Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Bit of Sibling Peace

It's been a long time since a post here! For one thing, Hoku has been doing a lot of growing up. We had some touchy moments here a few weeks back when he seemed to regress to the state he'd been in when we first brought him home.

But then we had house guests for the entire week of Thanksgiving! Did Hoku like that? NO!! In fact, each and every time one of our guests walked anew into a room he growled and went and tried to hide. I kid you not. And all of a sudden, Mom Robin and Dad Harry were once again his best friends. So for now, we seem to be back on track to gaining his trust fully.

Maybe even Cholla is warming up to him?

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Peaceful Evening

Usually, when Cholla is somewhere in the vicinity of Hoku, Hoku insists in trying to get her to play. The whole process is exhausting for both animals, perhaps mostly for the cat. Cholla is exhausted with all the hissing and swiping and running every which way but away (think she's playing?). Hoku bounces all over the place until he just plops down on the floor panting.

Here's how it all ended up one evening recently. No way either animal is going to look at the other! Harry's just enjoying the peace and quiet!

Um, any ideas on how to get the dog to pick up his toys?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back on the Cat and Dog Watch

The cat and dog photographer has been out of commission for a few weeks. But the cat and dog are still "at it" with their attitudes (that would be cattitude in the case of Cholla the Cat).

One dominant dogma in Cholla's existence in our household, through two dogs, has been, "If there's a bowl of water on any horizontal surface, it's mine!" Thus, this picture. Morning routine is to wash and refill Hoku's water bowl, THEN fill the food dish. The time between placing the water dish on the floor and getting back with the food dish was just enough time for the water princess to take her rightful place in front of said water dish.

Hoku stood back for a few seconds. But then hunger overtook him. This picture was taken just an instant before Cholla took a swipe at a Hoku ear. Note Hoku's tail is between his legs as he is anticipating said swipe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hoku Wants to Play, Cholla Doesn't

Aloha, all!

This is just a grainy film taken with an old camera, but the camera was available at the time. This is very much like play time in the Messenheimer Hale every day! No, not old and grainy! Just fun.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

He Really is a Puppy!

Aloha, all!

Oh how I wish I had a video of this! But I'll get one some morning when Hoku is frolicking around the living room. Boy, does he jump and play!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Whose Toy Is It?

Aloha, all!

Hoku the Dog and Cholla the Cat (their official names, of course) had a hard time staying out of each other's way last night and this morning. Hoku wants to play, but Cholla wants him gone. Oooooh, the hissing and clicking of extended claws! Of course, that makes Hoku think more and more that she wants to play. I don't think the claws have actually landed on his snout, yet. But it won't be long.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Off on a Morning Run

Aloha, all!

Harry's favorite activity with Hoku the Dog is his morning run. The run this morning was a bit on the muggy side--you can even see the moisture in the air as Harry and Hoku head out.

Wish we could have shared a video, with Hoku first being on Harry's left (leash was in Harry's right hand), then around in front over to Harry's right, then Harry deftly dancing in a circle to untangle them both. Hmmm. Hoku means Star in Hawaiian. So Harry was out there "Dancing with a Star"! Is that like "Dancing with the Stars"?